Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thin skinned need not apply

Here's why I love when people come to work in ER and they get it.
New nurse, just came off orientation, very smart, hard-working, really good nurse. She also happens to be fucking gorgeous with big boobs, a tiny waste and just generally very pretty. She was assigned next to another gal that is also new-ish, also a very solid nurse, and she is nearly 6' tall and genuinely looks like a runway model.
Problem was, we *actually* had a tech on the floor today, but he was basically camped out by the two hot girls being their little bitch while myself and another middle aged nurse floundered with no help of any kind except from each other when we could.
Finally, when I'd literally discharged 3 people in 15 minutes and then got 2 back to back ambulances, one of them a 4 yr old with an obvious fracture that was going to need -- at minimum procedural sedation for closed reduction and EMS hadn't put in an IV and it was almost 6 o'clock and he was over flirting with Nurse Hotty #1 and Nurse Hotty #2...
I'd had it.
HAD it.
I said, really loudly, directed at HIM, not them, "I guess I'm gonna have to lose a bunch of weight and get a boob job if I need some help in here, huh?"
Nurse Hotty #1, the big boobed one, thought it was a jab at her. She immediately just said, "Chill out. I'll give you the name of my surgeon."
I laughed my ass off. I LOVED that she jumped right back when she thought I was dissin' her. Of course, I wasn't. So, I also loved it that she understood and agreed when I explained that I was directing it at him and not at her.
I even told her, later, that I totally didn't realize they were fake, I had just meant I needed bigger ones than I have if I wanted to get the tech's attention. She said, "Oh, no, totally fake. My husband got them for me. Aren't they great!?"
She totally deflated my pissy mood. It was awesome.

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